Natural Playground Equipment

Wooden and Natural Play Structures
Select from a curated list of pre-designed natural playground equipment, or work with us to create something custom for your project. All Earthscape products are hand-crafted right here in Canada, making it easier for landscape architects and playground planners, like you, to bring natural equipment to your next park. Every product in our Earthscape product line is sustainably made using the highest quality materials.
Why Wood?
Children need more nature, not less. Hand-crafted timber gives your play system a sense of personalization and care that is hard to find otherwise.
The wood used in Earthscape Collections play structures comes from FSC certified sources, with extremely progressive forest practice codes, or conscientious small, local timber suppliers.
Natural Play
Multiple studies prove that spending time in nature can greatly reduce stress levels. Give yourself and your children a break by spending time at a natural park.
Open-Ended Play
Collections play structures offer adventure and self-discovery. They integrate graduated challenge levels and include elements of unpredictability so children learn to move in an irregular environment.
Meeting the Highest Standards
Each Earthscape structure is rigorously evaluated by internal and external parties to ensure CSA compliance.
Accessibility requirements are always met and additional measures are taken to ensure inclusive play for all. Earthscape Collections are designed to be fun and usable for everyone.