Parkour Equipment

Parkour Training Equipment For Parks & Playgrounds
The Dash Parkour product line is a collection of individual products and pre-designed layouts designed to enable parkour training in a dedicated public area. Dash Parkour products are designed in collaboration with the Parkour Academy of Finland to be multi-purpose and intuitive. As a result, parkour parks designed with the Dash Parkour product line are suitable for all skill levels and age ranges.
Why Dash Parkour?
By incorporating parkour professionals in the design process, the Dash Parkour product line is able to suit the needs of all skill levels and age groups.
The materials used are the best available: from anti-slip grip, handles, and different surfaces means these products are the most functional parkour options on the market.
Benefits of Parkour
The idea of parkour is to achieve uninterrupted movement through an urban area by negotiating obstacles by running, jumping, and climbing.
Mental benefits: becoming competent in a new skill fosters confidence and motivation. Parkour develops self-efficacy, self-esteem, and self-confidence.
Physical benefits: overall body strength and cardiovascular endurance increase, along with skill-related fitness.
Social benefits: reduces anti-social behaviour and promotes a sense of belonging and togetherness.
Why Build Parkour Parks?
Parkour was developed as a street sport, but we've learned that dedicated parkour parks provide better functional density and more movement combinations without the risks of trespassing and injury from unexpected situations like traffic.
Dedicated parkour areas are safer and stay in good shape thanks to proper maintenance and product design.
Parkour Safety
Each structure is designed to meet the highest safety standards. Parks stay in good shape thanks to product testing and maintenance.
Accessibility requirements are always met. Dash Parkour products are designed to be durable and long-lasting.