Tecumseh Park (Sarnia, ON)

Age range 2-12
Baby Swing
Standard Swing
Expression Swing
Saucer Swing
Musical features
Sensory features
Zipline spinner
Net Structure
Exercise Equipment
Located in Tecumseh Park, Sarnia, this inclusive and accessible playground is designed for children aged 5-12, offering a variety of play experiences that promote physical activity and interactive engagement. The playground features a fitness challenge course, which encourages children to develop strength, balance, and coordination in a fun, competitive environment. Sensory play elements are integrated throughout, allowing for a diverse range of play experiences that stimulate the senses. The saucer swing is a standout feature, providing a thrilling and inclusive swing experience that children of all abilities can enjoy together. With ample space for active and creative play, this playground fosters both physical and social development for kids in the community.