Chiila School (Tsuut-ina Reserve, AB)
Project Partner
- Tsuut'ina Nation
- Variety Children's Charity
- Pour in place rubber
- Turf
Age Range 5 - 12
Baby Swing
Standard Swing
Expression Swing
Saucer Swing
Musical features
Sensory features
Zipline spinner
Net Structure
Exercise Equipment
Project Details
The Tsuut’ina Nation prides itself to be connected to the Dene Nation through their language (Athabaskan), culture, customs and territory. They strive to maintain their autonomy of identity, customs, traditions, territory and the self determination of Indigenous Governance.
- Park N Play Design created custom Athabaskan language panels for the Chiilia school
Variety, The Children's Charity, had met with the Tsuut’ina Nation and the school and proposed they replace their dated play equipment with something that was fully inclusive. This playground features lots of sensory play opportunities and, two large towers integrated into a ramping system
Park N Play Design's scope of work included:
- Design, supply, and installation of play equipment
- Surfacing
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