Helping Working From Home Work: Our Teams Top Tips for WFH

Helping Working From Home Work: Our Teams Top Tips for WFH

Many of us are now working from home. And while there are great benefits with this current new normal (goodbye, rush hour!), there can also be a few challenges in balancing the work/life balance when it’s all happening in the same place. Across Canada, our team is working from home. So, we put together our own tips to making WFH a little easier!

Bob, Ontario Rep: “ Get up and dress as though you were going to the office!”

Carissa, Ontario Rep, adds: “Get showered and dressed in comfortable clothes, wash your face, brush your teeth. Take the time to do a bath or a facial. Put on some bright colors. It is amazing how our dress can impact our mood. Then find a productive space that is strictly meant for getting things done!  This way, when it's time to take a break you can close the door and detach from work as much as possible. As tempting as it might be, working from your bed or the couch might not be as productive and often comes with a wide range of distractions. Stick to a routine. Go to sleep and wake up at a reasonable time, write a schedule that is varied and includes time for work as well as self-care!”

The joys of working from home

Shelley, Northern Alberta Rep, agrees: “Do your hair and makeup every morning on time to be in the office. And stop for breaks to leave your office –go to the kitchen or go to the deck, get fresh air! And remember, on video calls, decide what of your personal space you want to make public!”

Tim, Southern Alberta rep, adds: “Always, and I mean ALWAYS have your mic on mute during a meeting or webinar if possible.  The last thing other people need to hear is your kids fighting because they haven't been outside in days.  I also put on earphones when possible so I can hear more clearly.”

Danika, British Columbia Rep: “Set hour-long intervals of work.  An hour is a good chunk of time for you, and most little ones to be doing something on their own.  Then once your productive hour is over, have a productive hour with your child for homeschooling.  This also splits up the time for your kiddos! Also, buy a lock for your office door!”

And, as Carissa reminds us: connect with your coworkers. They're going through the same isolation feelings as you are. Take time to call or video chat with your coworkers on a daily basis. At PNP, we share funny videos, music, and memes on a daily basis, and it really helps to keep our moods elevated.

Staying connected, brainstorming ideas, sharing top tips, and collaborating together are all important parts of creative work, especially now. So let’s stay connected! Share your own top WFH tips below or connect with us to brainstorm your next park project!

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